Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Just A Couple of Letters
Words, by themselves are not powerful. The meaning we put behind them is where the power comes from. The word fuck, for instance, is just 4 letters. Mix them up and they mean nothing. But by mass commercialization, we give that word too much power. Adults, by the very fact of being offended when hearing it, give it power. When they call it an adult word, kids feel more mature and powerful because they've harnessed that word. We give the word power by reacting to it. Dare I say the word that starts with n and rhymes with tigger? That word is just that: A WORD. Nothing more, nothing less. But the fact that people freak when they hear it, makes it forbidden fruit. Isn't forbidden fruit all the sweeter when tasted on your own lips? I say, if only one group can say it without repercussions, no one should be able to say it. This is the UNITED states of America. The big melting pot. When one group can't say a word, you're discriminating and making the USA a salad. Together, but not blended in a way that we can call everyone a brother or sister. So I say, take away the power of 'naughty' words. Don't react. Just enjoy the sound of eachothers voices.
Thoughts Are So ENDLESS
Have you ever thought that you'll never be in love? I have and am feeling these feelings. I know that I'll love people, but I'm not so sure about BEING IN love. I know that someday, I could find someone that I could live with and spend the rest of my life with comfortably, but I want MORE than that. Is that such a selfish thing to want? I want to love and be loved.......Hell, I'd like to learn to love myself first. I just wish that I wasn't so, so, I think I'm a nice person who deserves some little bit of hope that somebody really wants to be with me. You know what? I want someone who will watch crappy movies (like the 4th bring it on) and will snuggle/cuddle because they know that it would make me happy. I want someone to tolerate the random shit that I do, and maybe even join in my antics. I want them to listen to some of the genres that I listen to. I want them to be able to tell me a story on a dime.........I just really want. I want someone who is okay with my family and doesn't like the same people in it. I want someone who wouldn't feel like a pansy and play barbies with my niece or my cousins. Is that so bad? Is that too much to want? If it is, then there's no point looking for love, only comfortable companionship.
In my search for possible job opportunities, I've evaluated what I like to do. The recurring and very prominent joy in my life is reading. I considered many jobs that had to do with reading. A few included being a school/public librarian. I would never want to be a school librarian. I don't like high schoolers. I'm not very into the whole public library librarian because that sounds like it would entail things that I'm not interested in. Plus, I don't think the income is that good. I played with idea of being an agent for writers. I'd get to read a lot for that one. But I'm not organized enough for my own life, let alone other people's stuff. I'd really like to own my own book store. I'd sell baked goods, let people read the books there, get wireless internet, have special times for kids. They get read to, have their faces painted, make things. Sell comic books and random "nerdy" things and have one day a month set aside for comic books and playing card games. One of my fears of picking a career is the fact that I want to have children someday. I don't want to have them raised by strangers until they're in 2nd grade. If I own my own place, I could make my own schedule and even bring my children to work.
One thing that keeps me from this almost perfect job is the fact that I fear failure and a general lack of money. I don't want to set it up and then have it fail. I don't even know how to set it up. What am I to do? Go with a safe choice, a steady job, daycare for my children? Or should I take a chance at something that could be absolutely perfect for me? I wish someone could show me the future or could help me out.
Hey, hey, so you should think of buying these items. They are made by me and I really like them.
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