Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Just A Couple of Letters

Words, by themselves are not powerful. The meaning we put behind them is where the power comes from. The word fuck, for instance, is just 4 letters. Mix them up and they mean nothing. But by mass commercialization, we give that word too much power. Adults, by the very fact of being offended when hearing it, give it power. When they call it an adult word, kids feel more mature and powerful because they've harnessed that word. We give the word power by reacting to it. Dare I say the word that starts with n and rhymes with tigger? That word is just that: A WORD. Nothing more, nothing less. But the fact that people freak when they hear it, makes it forbidden fruit. Isn't forbidden fruit all the sweeter when tasted on your own lips? I say, if only one group can say it without repercussions, no one should be able to say it. This is the UNITED states of America. The big melting pot. When one group can't say a word, you're discriminating and making the USA a salad. Together, but not blended in a way that we can call everyone a brother or sister. So I say, take away the power of 'naughty' words. Don't react. Just enjoy the sound of eachothers voices.

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